Across the Gizeh level you can find 25 total Medicine Bottles, which can be exchanged at the doctor in the Workers Area (or the medical vendors in Vatican City and Sukhothai) for different Adventure Books. The bottles can be found in open medical packs, just like extra bandages.
Workers Area Medicine
Location: Workers Area
West of the Workers Area there is a fork in the road, with a tent on top of a hill, the medicine bottle is under the tent.
Tomb of Khentkhawes Medicine 1
Location: Tomb of Khentkhawes
On the road between the workers area and the tomb, there is truck with the medicine in the back of it.
Sphinx Temple Ruins Medicine
Location: Great Sphinx
In the southern part of the Sphinx Temple Ruins the medicine bottle is on a small wooden table.
Tomb of Khentkhawes Medicine 2
Location: Tomb of Khentkhawes
North of the tomb there is a military outpost, the medicine bottle is on an elevated cliff just north of that.
Tomb of Khentkhawes Medicine 3
Location: Tomb of Khentkhawes
North of the tomb there is a military outpost, this is on the road to the west heading north near a motorcycle.
Tomb of Khentkhawes Medicine 4
Location: Tomb of Khentkhawes
In the tomb excavation area, get to an elevated position in the southwest corner to find the medicine bottle on a small table.
Tomb of Khentkhawes Medicine 5
Location: Tomb of Khentkhawes
In the southern section of the excavation site, there is a small table in a corner section with an enemy in it.
Tomb of Khentkhawes Medicine 6
Location: Tomb of Khentkhawes
In the middle floor of the excavation site in the western room (following the blue power line) the medicine is on a table right next to the generation switch.
Tomb of Khentkhawes Medicine 7
Location: Tomb of Khentkhawes
Northwest of the tomb excavation site, you can find a small tent outside of some ruins, the medicine bottle is in the tent.
Great Sphinx Medicine
Location: Great Sphinx
Medicine bottle can be found at the front of the Great Sphinx, in front of one of the paws.
Khafre's Pyramid Medicine
Location: Khafre's Pyramid
Just to the east of the pyramid on the in the western part of the map, there is small encampment the medicine is there.
Voss' Office Medicine
Location: Nazi Compound
Located at the top of the Nazi Compound base, you can find this medicine bottle in Voss' own room to the left of his office by his bed.
Nazi Recreation Area Medicine
Location: Nazi Recreation Area
In the recreation area, the medicine bottle is next to the small stage area.
Great Sphinx Medicine 2
Location: Great Sphinx
Behind the Sphinx there is a small ruins room you can enter, the medicine is directly inside the room.
Tomb of Khentkhawes Medicine 8
Location: Tomb of Khentkhawes
South of the tomb area, there are some small ruins overlooking the rest of the tomb. Inside it, you need to platform up onto some scaffolding to find the medicine.
Nazi Vehicle Garage Medicine
Location: Nazi Vehicle Garage
Inside the building in the center area of the restricted zone, the medicine is on a shelf near some sinks.
Workers Area Medicine 2
Location: Workers Area
In the restricted area of the workers area, this is in a small building in the southwest part of the area. The Wehrmacht disguise makes this easier to get, but is not required.
Nazi Compound Medicine 1
Location: Nazi Compound
Requirements: Wehrmacht Uniform Disguise
In the compound, there is the wooden building in the south where a story scene with Voss occurs. On the second floor, use the disguise key to enter a locked area to find the bottle.
Nazi Compound Medicine 2
Location: Nazi Compound
In the compound, this is in a small building in the northeast section, right next to the restricted border.
Nazi Compound Medicine 3
Location: Nazi Compound
Requirements: Wehrmacht Uniform Disguise
In the compound, head to the tall main building where Voss' office is. On the third floor, head to the back area to find a locked area you need the disguise to open, this is inside on a shelf.
Khafre Excavation Compound 1
Location: Khafre Excavation Compound
In the excavation site, this in the big tent in the middle, which is a kitchen area.
Khafre Excavation Compound 2
Location: Khafre Excavation Compound
In the excavation site, head into the mining tunnel that leads into the south, this is on a table near the entrance.
Tomb of Khentkhawes Medicine 9
Location: Tomb of Khentkhawes
In the northeast part of the excavation site, above ground, this is on a table under a small tent.
Tomb of Khentkhawes Medicine 10
Location: Tomb of Khentkhawes
Send the elevator down, and call it to top level using the level. Jump on the top bar and ride it to the top.
Great Sphinx Medicine 3
Location: Great Sphinx
Behind the Sphinx, this is on some elevated scaffolding.
Up Next: Riddles of the Ancients (Ancient Relic Locations)
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Indiana Jones and the Great Circle