Promise of Wizard - TV Tropes (2025)

Promise of Wizard - TV Tropes (1)

This is a world where wizards and humans exist together.

Red threads, spider webs, connecting you and I

If you say it's magic

I wish the spell can never be reversed

— "Cast Me a Spell" by Mili

Promise of Wizard (魔法使いの約束 Mahoutsukai no Yakusoku, alternatively known as The Wizard's Promise or MahoYaku) is a mobile otome-style game created by coly (same creators as Stand My Heroes and On Air!!!), released on 26 November 2019 for Android and iOS platforms.

The player character is a normal human summoned into the world of wizards as the Sage, and is tasked with guiding the chosen wizards to fight against the annual Great Calamity.

The world is divided into five countries: Central Country, Northern Country, Eastern Country, Western Country, and Southern Country. Four wizards from each country are randomly selected to fight against The Great Calamity.

An anime adaptationPromise of Wizard - TV Tropes (2) was announced in November 2023.

This game provides examples of:

  • April Fools' Day: The April Fools' scenarios place the cast into an Alternate Universe each year, which is explained away by the Sage dreaming up these stories.
    • For 2020, it's a High School AU where the wizards are either students or faculty.
    • For 2021, it's a science fiction universe where the characters are either androids or human denizens of this science fiction society.
  • Cast Full of Pretty Boys: All of the characters are rather good-looking young men (even if their age are more than two digits). Well, it wouldn’t be an otome game if there’s no Bishounen, right?
  • The Chosen One: All of the main wizards in the game have been chosen to fight the Great Calamity, but the Sage is the only person capable of guiding them to success. All of the chosen wizards have a crest that appears somewhere on their body the day they are selected.
  • The Chosen Many: The player character is merely the latest in a long line of people from Earth forcibly teleported to help fight the Great Calamity.
  • Colour-Coded for Your Convenience: Each country is represented by a different color:
    • Central country is Yellow.
    • North Country is Purple.
    • West Country is Pink.
    • East Country is Blue.
    • South Country is Green.
  • Everyone Is Bi: According to an early conversation with Shylock, as well as comments by various background characters, all wizards are bisexual. However, the game is not focused on romance and there are no canon couples amongst the cast, unless you want to count the extremely complicated case of =Shylock's feelings for Murr. Plenty of subtext to go around, though.
  • Grooming the Enemy: Oz kidnapped Arthur from his home to literally eat him once he had raised him into a strong enough wizard. And then he got attached and pivoted.
  • Hello, [Insert Name Here]: The player character's name is entirely up to the player's discretion, though the default name is Akira.
  • Identical Twin Mistake: Happens quite often for most of the cast concerning Snow and White, especially in their birthday.
  • I Need You Stronger: Played with between Oz and Arthur, since Oz originally adopted/kidnapped Arthur to raise him to be a strong wizard before killing and eating him. Of course, then he caught feelings...
  • Mood Whiplash: The player character reads the previous Sage's journal and assumes based on the last entry that the Sage never found a way home... until the immediate next page reveals that he was depressed and they actually did work on some kind of solution to letting him go back.
  • Older Than They Look: Not one, not two, but almost half of our pretty boy wizards are Really 700 Years Old, due to how wizard ages much slower than normal person. Special mention to the youngest-looking Snow and White, who are actually the oldest at approximately more than 2000 years old.
  • Power Tattoo: The Wizard Mark manifests itself on a wizard's body when they are chosen. It is given at random when the Sage has performed a ceremony, but not at any time as there are a limited number of those who bear it. Every time a wizard dies, the Sage must replace them - hence the mark becomes an indicator of the wizards who work for the Sage. In total, there are 21 holders of the mark.
  • The Promise: Any wizard who breaks a promise will lose all of their magic forever.
  • Purely Aesthetic Gender: Story/gameplay elements will remain the same regardless of whether you play as a male or female Sage.
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: When shrunken down into travel-size, the sheep that Lennox takes care of are ridiculously adorable. Lennox is typically seen carrying one sheep in his bag, and sometimes the sheep makes a cameo in his card art.
  • Sensitive Guy and Manly Man:
    • Arthur is the sensitive Nice Guy who wishes to help the people of his country and his fellow wizards, while Oz is a stoic man with an abundance of magical power and a fearsome aura.
    • Heathcliff is the Shrinking Violet who is gentle with everyone he meets, while Shino is Hot-Blooded and competitive, always wanting to get stronger and never afraid to pick a fight with anyone who hurts Heath.
  • Surreal Theme Tune: Though fans have associated some of the lyrics with characters/story aspects in the game, most of the lyrics in Mili's Cast Me a Spell don't necessarily make sense at first glance.

    "That moment hit like summer

    Lemon coated in honey

    I see our winter, autumn

    It’s just you and me"

  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: When it comes to working with wizards from other countries, not all of them are willing to get along with each other (ex. Faust and Figaro, Oz and Murr). It's the Sage's job to ensure that the wizards' missions run smoothly, with minimal damage/conflict between them.
  • Trapped in Another World: The player character finds themselves transported from 21st century Japan into a fantasy world with magic and wizards.
  • We Used to Be Friends: Some of the wizards used to be old acquaintances during their long lifetime. With the amount of wars and conflicts occurred, relationship turning sour can be an inevitable result.
    • Faust and Figaro both served under King Alec, the first King of Central Country. For unknown reason however, Faust is now very hateful towards Figaro, calling him "coward" and the like.
    • Nero was a member of Bradley’s bandit gang, and even now Bradley would seek him out to recreate their gang if not for both of them being chosen as the Sage’s wizards. Unlike the above example however, they still remain in friendly terms, just not as close as they used to.
Promise of Wizard - TV Tropes (2025)
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